Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Maddy Tagged me. So here goes:

I am thinking about....a lot of things, all at the same time!
I said a lot of wise words which, thankfully, no one heard!
I want a dream on a piece of the sky.
I wish for a child.
I miss a lot of people..
I hear the fan whirring in this room.
I wonder if everything in life is so gray, why do people want to live in blacks and whites?
I regret nothing.
I am ..who knows??!!
I dance when I am alone
I sing when they need to scare the cows.
I cry .. not very often, but always like the rains.. torrential.
I am not always politically correct.
I make with my hands .. lots of stuff! Mostly pottery.
I write about sorrow.
I confuse names and faces.. tremendously!
I need loving
I should try and grow up.
I start what I seldom finish.
I finish .. hmm… lets c.. Tags!!
I Tag Z, Ekta, Deepa, Nidhi, Tell me no more, Biscuit, Stellar, Nabeel.


Wriju said...

I sing when they need to scare the cows!!! Thats hilarious :-)

Jackal said...

nice ..funny....tccc

Ekta said...

Neat list!!!
U do pottery!!
wow!..uv gotta be damn good with ur hands must say..thats a tough hobby!;-)

Figurines of glass said...

filled them up :)

Jackal said...

hi ..plzz take a look at my new post urgently..n help to save some one..

stellar said...

hey whatever u wrote about ur self in few words is quite impressive..pottery..ur hands must be made for creations only be evolving smthing out of mud or words...kool

Z said...

Thanks for the tag. Done it!
I loved yours, humorous and thought-provoking, but as always you only tell us what you choose to let us know.

Aradhna said...

Even though I was not taged still thought of participating for fun.

I am thinking about.. Friends.

I said "Life is a matter of perception"

I want to learn all the Shashtras, Vedas and Upnishads along with all the Theological and mythological history of India

I wish I could take away the pain I inflicted on someone.

I miss School days

I hear my inner voice though I never act on that.

I wonder how do people write so good.

I regret my impulsiveness.

I am ..Very Thoughtful and loving.

I dance when I booze

I sing when i have to torture the listeners.

I cry when I am too happy.

I am not always Nice to know.

I make with my hands Food for hubby.
I write nothing.

I confuse between love and liking.

I need appreciation and encouragement

I should Accept facts of life.

I start thinking too much even when it is not required.

I finish : food on my plate always (papa says thats a good habit)

How do we know said...

Hi Wriju: Ha ha! At least there is something funny in an otherwise boring post! btw, i read ur response to this tag in the message section. smart of u to hide it there.. put it on ur blog please.. like a nice person!

Hi Jackal: I should have tagged u! Consider urself tagged now.. belated!! :-)

Hi Maddy: OK, i wont grow up! :-))

Hi Ekta: How have u been? when is ur neat list coming up? Am waiting!

Hi tell me no more: Thanks! Saw ur post.. and have written there!!

Hi Stellar: Thanks!! btw, I tagged u too.. when are you posting your list?

Hi z: :-) It was lovely.. and well.. i actually tell all there is to know about me, there just isnt much :-) btw, I still dont know your name!!

Dear Chiya: You're the Best!! You actually participated on ur own! Cool!!!!
So, u like to cook for hubby and u miss school days.. i have a feeling it will be interesting to know u better!! :-)

Z said...

and I don't know yours either ;-)
Of course I'll tell you if you wish.

Figurines of glass said...

didn't know wriju had been tagged. doesn't make any difference. it's always good to know more abt him :P
as for the crying part, it's raining like crazy here. don't need no more showers :)

Ekta said...

Terribly busy!!!!!!!!
Wrong timing!!:-(
Hopefully should be able to take out sometime next week!

Aradhna said...

Feeling is mutual. only that to me, for no reason, it seems I already know you....

Vasu said...

Hmmm... Your thought on life is quite true.

Why is it black and white????

BiScUiTs said...

Ah I confuse names and faces too, and places as well haha.

Nabeel said...

u wish for a child haan .. boy or a girl? .. i love the fan point .. i sometimes like the fan noise in a room .. are u talking about a pedestial fan?

would love to see some of your pottery pictures that u've made ..

Nidhi Narayan said...

hi, i know am writing after a long time, will write about it sometime on my blog......take care.

Known Stranger said...

this tagging was different then

How do we know said...

Hi z: I am not as nnice as u r.. am just too curious.. so tell me!

HI Tell me no more: Does Wriju know how much better u know him now? :-)

Hi Ekta: Will wait. After ur post on husband saving u for 2 hours.. am sure what you post will be a hajaar gud read. So, you are now on the Most Awaited list!

Hi Chiya: gud. so lets just take it at that. that we know each other. :-)

Hi Vasu: i dont know.. thats why I wonder.. na? I really liked ur blog a lot!

Hi Biscuit: Then you know what it is to share coffee with a person for 2 years without knowing their name! ha ha!!

Hi Nabeel: yep, i think the fan sound is a comfort noise for all of us.. cant post any pottery i have done bcs i dont keep any.. and its been really long..

hi Nidhi: Jaldi likho, and yes, what happened to the acco? incidentally, i am also desperately looking for a place to stay at the moment.. in a adifferent city of course.

Hi Deepa: me saw. Thanks! And posted mah comments there!

Hi Known Stranger: ?? which tagging was different.. and how.. sorry, am completely lost here!!

Z said...

I'm Zoë.

You probably know this ...... but the dots above the e are a diaerisis, to show that the e is pronounced. It's Greek and means Life - because my mother had almost given up hope of having a second baby. I was, very much, a wanted child.

How do we know said...

Hi z: That is a lovely name!! And being a "wanted child".. :-) perhaps a privilege..

Figurines of glass said...

i know him much better already. he's become a good friend of mine. n thats not because of the list :)

how r u doing mr how do we know?
does how do we know know that we know what he knows, but thinks noone knows? ...guess some of us are intuitive ;)

How do we know said...

Hi Tell me no more: This, i need to know. How do u know it is Mr.?

Aradhna said...

Sure.... it would be fun to know you BETTER.:)