Saturday, March 16, 2019

Empowering wihtout education

Empowering people without educating them is creating a Frankenstein. This is true of all human systems - families, organisations, countries. 
I was wondering why democracy became the harbinger of Capitalism 2.0, and realised that it was simply this - it was in the interest of leaders to create voters who are not educated - so they can be easily swayed. And now, the exact same thing is coming back to bite them. Swaying works both ways.

If Facebook is deciding who the next leader should be, it is because you created people who would rather trust and spread propaganda than ask questions. You brainwashed intelligent people into releasing content that presents only one side of the story - to further your end.

Now, you may want your people to not trust propaganda, but you really can't spend decades creating sheep and then complain when the sheepdog is changed.

Congratulations, people of the world! You and your leaders are both responsible. You voted for a bottle of hooch and 500 rs. And they will pay with their electoral loss, vendetta politics, and innumerable court cases.

While we're at it, the name calling has to stop, really. Let there be some dignity left in the profession of politics. 

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