Saturday, July 03, 2021

Logic Puzzle: School Timetable

Mrs. Vijayan, the headmistress, is completely flummoxed. She can't find the timetable that she spent hours preparing just yesterday! Before it could get to the school record keeper for publication, the piece of paper was lost. 

Under the new school policy, school is a 4 day affair, and each day can have only 4 periods. The school teachers volunteer to help her re-create the timetable. Each of the subject teachers shares what she remembers: 

English: My subject is the only subject that was to be taught every single day, but no two days had English in the same period. 1st period one day, 2nd period another day, and so on. 

Maths: I also have 4 periods, but not one on each day. I had the last 2 periods every Monday, and nothing on Tuesday. The first period on Thursdays though. 

Hindi: I had 3 periods during the week - the first periods of Tuesday and Wednesday, and one period on Thursday. 

Science: I also had 3 periods during the week, but never a first period, and never the same period on any two days. On Wednesdays, it was the last period. 

Art: I only got 2 periods - the final period on Tuesdays and one on Thursdays. In fact, other than maths, no one had a double class on any day. 

English: My period is immediately after Maths on Wednesdays. 

Science: And my period is immediately before Maths on Mondays! 

Mrs. Vijayan: Oh, I remember now! Hindi was just before English on Thursdays! 

Can you piece the school schedule together from this? 

1 comment:

How do we know said...

Monday Tuesday Wed Thur
1 Eng Hin Hin Maths
2 Science Eng Maths Art
3 Maths Sci Eng Hin
4 Maths Art Sci Eng