Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Today's question from meditation

Today, I got asked a question in my meditation and have to think about it all day. 

Here is the question: 

यदि शिव और शक्ति एक ही हैं, तो अलग अलग क्यूँ है? उन्हें दो भिन्न स्वरूप क्यूँ दिए गए? 

If Shakti and Shiva are the same, why were they given two different names and forms? 

I thought about it for a while but could not arrive at an answer. Then, a hint was given to me: 

Why does a coin have two sides? Why not print the same thing on both sides? 

सिक्के के दो पहलू क्यूँ होते हैं? एक ही छाप दोनों ओर क्यूँ नहीं? 

All thoughts welcome. 

Edited 11 Jul 2024 (early morning) 

The coin has two distinct sides - one has the denomination and the other has the name of the kingdom / ruler. Both of these pieces of information are needed to define the coin - without either, the coin is useless. 

BUT, they denote two completely unrelated things. All kingdoms have multiple denominations and all standard denominations are issued by every single kingdom. 

How is this connected to Shiva and Shakti? 

Shiva and Shakti complete each other the way the two sides of the coin complete each other. They are absolutely vital. Without one, the other does not exist, has no meaning. 

BUT, they are two different types of energy. The Chinese call them Yin and Yang, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the nature of the two energies - one fluid, nurturing, emotional. The other, fair, just, straight. 

The side that is needed at one place is the energy that comes up in that situation. Sometimes, we need the maternal energy, sometimes, we need the paternal. Sometimes, we need the raw power of Shakti, and sometimes, we need the dhairya of Shiv. Shiv holds his power like he holds the Ganga - quietly. Shakti is the energy that makes that energy visible and obvious. 

1 comment:

kj said...

interesting observation. Is a two sided coin simply for an artistic difference? I don't know meditation differences. I meditate, but I just close my eyes and breathe!
love kj