Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Original Quote of the Day , and where it came from

Stories, like trees, have deep roots. All our stories begin long, long before the point from which we start telling them.

The story of Gluten allergy did not start with gluten allergy. It started with hybrid and GM wheat. 

The story of Indo-Nepal conflict did not start with Indo-Nepal conflict. It started with the Communist government being voted to power in Nepal - in 2008. 

The story of the loneliness epidemic did not start with the loneliness epidemic. It started with the Fountainhead - in 1943. 

The story of a country of clerks did not begin with the civil service. It started with the British educational system. 

All our stories today, are like rivers. They don't always come from a single source. They come from many tributaries. Many things have come together to create the story that flows from our lips today. 

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