Thursday, January 02, 2020

Quotes for 2020

Blinkers block the view of exactly one person - the wearer.
India is not secular because of its Constitution. It is secular because of its population.
Has anyone else realised yet that NOT ONE Islamic country has benefitted from the radicalisation of Islam? In fact, every single one of them has been impoverished beyond belief.
So, who's paying?
In hindsight, we know that all wars are triggered by small, seemingly simple actions.
In foresight, we don't know which ones.
The silent are not stupid. Wisdom is quiet for a reason.
The business model of Cambridge Analytica was not made viable by Facebook.  It was made viable by people who don't do fact checks,  people who are not self critical,  and people skip don't insist on getting and understanding 2 perspectives before agreeing with one.
The path to world peace passes through cherished hobbies and sweating armpits,  not ivory towers and bleeding hearts. 

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