Monday, June 01, 2009

How to do a baby shower in 4 hours flat.

We had a baby shower for a colleague at my place. We were stumped by how little information we could get online about holding quick fix baby showers. So here's a guide to arranging a baby shower in 4 man hours flat.

Theme: Bollywood Gold. Pick up some posters and post cards of bollywood. Time taken - 40-50 minutes at most. For Gold, pick up the Gold Coin bars and coins to give away as prizes for games.
Everyone has to wear a Bollywood style dress to the party.

Games: We played a game called Sugar and Spice. Everyone writes down things they like abt the mommy to be (sugar) and things that suprise them abt the mommy to be (spice). The MTB reads all the chits and has to guess who has written which chit. Prep time - 5 mins pers person to write the chits. We made them before going to the party.

Song and Dance: We did a jig on the song "Solah Singar kar ke" from the film "Filhal" Prep time - everyone heard the 4 minute song once before the party.

Cake: We bought a cake from a store nearby. Time: 20 mins.

Food: Potlunch. Time to heat and place food on the table - 15-20 minutes.

Buying the gift: This took abt an hour and was the longest prep time activity.

We took abt an hour off to party, and did we have fun!!!


human being said...

i loved that smile on your face when you were writing this...


Artnavy said...

fantastic- now i wish u were in chennai

How do we know said...

Hi hb: :-) trust u to see that smile :-)

hi Artnavy: That cipher of a comment sent me to ur blog.. and what a wonderful surprise!! Congratulations!

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