Thursday, July 20, 2023

101 Truth Questions

 1. Tell us about your first crush

2. have you ever kissed anyone in the dark? Tell us about it.

3. When you were 6 or 7 years old, how did you visualize your future life? What did you think you were going to be?

4. If you could change 3 things about your life, what would those be?

5. What would you never change about your life?

6. What is the best memory of your childhood?

7. What is the worst memory of childhood?

8. What instantly makes you like a person?

9. What makes you instantly dislike a person in a social setting.

10. What is the most romantic movie, according to you?

11. What is the most romantic song, according to you?

12. Tell us about a day or event that you were really looking forward to, but it turned out to be a damp squib?

13. What is the most uninteresting/ boring date that you’ve been on?

14. Have you felt attracted to someone when it was totally inappropriate?

15. If you fell for your boss, what would you do?

16. If someone in your team fell for you, what would you do?

17. Describe your ideal date. Who would it be, where would you go, what would you do, how would it end, and everything else.

18. What is the first thing you notice about a person?

19. What are your best qualities?

20. What do you dislike or want to change about yourself?

21. What do you value most about your partner (if you are in a relationship)?

22. Who would you like to be reborn as? Why?

23. What are your strongest values? Things you would never give up?

24. What’s a dealbreaker in a relationship?

25. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s partner or a partner’s friend?

26. What is the most embarrassing text on your phone right now?

27. What app do you spend the most time on? What do you like about it?

28. Tell us about a time that you were friends with someone but did not like something about them. Did you tell them? Why or why not?

29. What do you do if you don’t like something about your partner?

30. What do you do if you don’t like something about a family member?

31. What is your biggest fear?

32. If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be?

33. An AI is making you your perfect partner. Give it the prompt.

34. A best friend that you are not in touch with any more, but think of often.

35. Have you been attracted to someone younger (for women)/ older (for men)? How did that end?

36. Tell us about the first time someone told you they loved you.

37. If you married for love, how was marriage proposed to you? ‘

38. Which public figure would you like to have dinner with? What would you like to do/talk about?

39. Imagine you can switch places for a day with any one person on the planet (alive now). Who is it? Why? What do you do as them?

40. Who is the most attractive person you know in real life? Why are they attractive?

41.  You have the power to create an imaginary friend. They are real to you. Describe them. What do you folks talk about? What are the things you do together?

42. What is your dream profession? Why are you not it?

43. Who is the most beautiful person you know? What do you like about them?

44. Who, in your real life, has inspired you the most. Tell us about it.

45. What’s your dream come true?

46. What food can you never say no to?

47. What’s your favourite book? Why?

48. Who do you text or message the most?

49. Think about a friendship you have or have had for the longest time. Who was it? How long were you friends? Why, if at all, did it end?

50. In this room, who knows you best? Why do you feel that way?

51. In this room, who do you know best? Tell us one interesting thing about them.

52. What, according to you, is your most beautiful part?

53. If you could go back and change one thing or one incident, what would you change?

54. What are you most grateful for?

55. Have you ever spied on anyone? Why? What did it lead to?

56. Happiest day of your life so far?

57. Saddest day of your life so far?

58. What are the most important things or people in your life right now?

59. Describe an ideal day. You live where you want to live, you do what you love to do, and you are with whoever you want to be with. What happens? Describe the day.

60. In an alternate universe, you are back in college. A person you had a crush on proposed to you and you said yes. In that universe, what are you doing right now?  

61. What was your greatest learning at your first job?

62. Have you ever physically hit anyone? When?

63. When was the first time you said “I Love you” to someone? Who was it?

64. Tell us about your first heartbreak.

65. What is the worst thing that anyone has ever done to you?

66. What is the most incredible experience you have been a part of?

67. What makes you happiest?

68. What always makes you cry?

69. How would you know if you were starting to love someone?

70. If you saw a friend’s partner cheating, would you tell your friend? Why or why not?

71. What is the best news you ever got? Who gave it to you? Where?

72. What do you do when you feel sad?

73. What is your biggest regret?

74. What achievements are you most proud of?

75. Tell us one thing you like about any two people (or all) in the room.

75. Tell us one thing you would like to change about any two (or all) people in the room.

76. If you could become invisible, what would you do? For how long would you stay invisible?

77. If you could do astral travel, what would you do? How far would you remain in that state?

78. How long were you with a partner before you decided to go all the way?

79. What’s your favourite possession? Why?

80. What was your most fun holiday?

81. What was your least fun holiday? Why did it go wrong?

82. If you were to write a letter to the 20 year old you, what are the 4-5 things you would write?

83. Is there something you would only do alone, and we don’t know about it? (Any talent)

84. Imagine you can play a prank with no punishment. What would you do?

85. What dress would you love to buy?

86. Imagine that your perfect wedding is all yours. Describe it. Location, costumes, guest list, how many days, what rituals, everything.

87. What is a skill you wish you had?

88. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?

89. What are you most passionate about?

90. What is the best advice you ever got?

91. If you could be a person of the opposite gender for a day, would you take the swap? What would you do?

92. If you could have a superpower, what would you choose? Why?

93. What is the most romantic thing that someone has ever said to you? What is the most romantic thing that you have ever said to anyone?

94. Suppose someone has to meet you for a really important thing. What can they do to be instantly liked?

95. What would you observe on a first date? What would you make of it? Why? For example, say you would notice shoes. Why is that important to you?

96. Imagine you have won a jackpot lottery. What would you do?

97. What do most people assume about you that isn’t true?

98. Tell us about your best kiss.

99. Who are you closest to? What makes you open up to them so easily?

100. Who are you most impressed by? Why?

101. In this room, who are you most impressed by? Why?


This list is made for the birthday present of a dear friend. It might help some of my blog friends too.

Most of the questions are standard truth questions, some I thought up. 

 And while you are at it, do answer some of these questions for yourself too :) 


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Ishk karna

इश्क करना  कनकव्वे  उड़ाने जैसा होता है। कभी खींच कर अपने पास लाना होता है, कभी उड़ान भरने को ढील देनी होती है, पर भरोसा रहता है, कि एक ही डोर से बंधे हैं हम। 

लोग पेंच लड़ाते हैं, पर डोर को सम्हाल कर रखना होता है। डोर एक बार टूट गई, तो न पतंग उड़ पाती है, न डोर वाला आकाश छू सकता है। 

इश्क करना, कनकव्वे उड़ाने जैसा होता है। 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Why Shiv on Shivratri?

Today, while meditating, I was asked to keep the Shivalinga in front. I didn't understand why. 

Then, realised that Shivaratri is approaching. 

This led to the question: If the universal light is the torchbearer of humanity, what is the spiritual objective of Shiva on Shivaratri, Ganpati on Vinayak Chaturthi, and so on? How does this devotion towards a deity come automatically in our hearts at just those precise times? 

The Answer: 

This is wave that is needed for entire humanity at the same time. At about this time, the overall energy, the element of Agni is gaun (subdued). At this time, the world needs the energy that is represented by the name Shiv. 

Likewise, around the time of Vinayak Chaturthi, a feeling of coldness is starting to envelop the world as per our Ritu. At that time, a general sense of universal camraderie and well-being, which we call Vighnaharta, Vinayaka, is needed by the world. These are not names of Gods alone. The name and image of a God helps us identify with the energy, but these are energies represented by these specific names. 

Therefore, all humanity is automatically drawn towards these energies at these specific ritus. 

Just like group meditation raises the overall vibe of the universe, likewise, a yagya, or a communal spiritual practice in which everyone feels the same thing (Ojas, for Shivaratri, Kalyan, for Vinayak Chaturthi, Samriddhi, for Deepavali, Harsh, for Holi) raises the balance of these energies for everyone else - even the non-believers. 

That is why you are drawn to the name Shiv at this time.