I have a new love in my life : Pankaj Kapoor. I also have a new award for the most underrated actor in Indian cinema today - Pankaj Kapoor.
The good thing about a children's film(The Blue Umbrella, in this case) is that all characters are uni-dimensional. They are simple characters, in a simple story. You are only expected to savor one emotion at a time.
Pankaj Kapoor effortlessly adds layers to this character. The added layers do not complicate the story or its telling. They enhance your experience of every single moment of the story....and take it to an altogether unexpected level...
The man who tells his store help that one should not steal; the man who,knowing that he will be rightfully accused of theft in under 2 minutes, continues to give the chief guest's speech; the man who tries to sell biscuits and toffee to the children in the village, just so his excommunication is sidelined; the man who displays the loneliness of social excommunication; and then his desperate attempts to "belong"; and the man who is happy, and proud again.

Watch this film for Pankaj Kapoor. Biniya is a delight, and the story is wonderfully told, but these are the bonuses. After ages, a wonderful children's film meant also for the adults. Loved It!

The other film we saw last night was Gandhi, My Father.
Pretty much the only film ever, in which the protagonist moves in and out of the screen in random frames that make no effort to trace his journey. In short, its another documentary on Gandhi Sr. and his greatness.
Completely unexplored other characters, incl. Kasturba, the protagonist, his wife, the other children of the house, their relationship as siblings... nothing at all! This was a film where one expected layers and exploration, and did not even get basic research.
Pankaj Kapoor effortlessly adds layers to this character. The added layers do not complicate the story or its telling. They enhance your experience of every single moment of the story....and take it to an altogether unexpected level...
The man who tells his store help that one should not steal; the man who,knowing that he will be rightfully accused of theft in under 2 minutes, continues to give the chief guest's speech; the man who tries to sell biscuits and toffee to the children in the village, just so his excommunication is sidelined; the man who displays the loneliness of social excommunication; and then his desperate attempts to "belong"; and the man who is happy, and proud again.
Watch this film for Pankaj Kapoor. Biniya is a delight, and the story is wonderfully told, but these are the bonuses. After ages, a wonderful children's film meant also for the adults. Loved It!
The other film we saw last night was Gandhi, My Father.
Pretty much the only film ever, in which the protagonist moves in and out of the screen in random frames that make no effort to trace his journey. In short, its another documentary on Gandhi Sr. and his greatness.
Completely unexplored other characters, incl. Kasturba, the protagonist, his wife, the other children of the house, their relationship as siblings... nothing at all! This was a film where one expected layers and exploration, and did not even get basic research.
Nice review. I'll try and catch this movie. Always knew that Pankaj Kapoor is a great actor,I remember the Karamchand series.
I saw the title to this movie somewhere but I don't remember where. Maybe when I was looking up some credits on another actor.
That was a very good review makes me want to see it.
nice one!
I love Pankaj Kapoor, he is great in artist, planning to watch this movie, thanks for the review :)
Stay Beautiful..!!
O, I am saddened to hear that Gandhi My Father has fallen so short of expectations......
I am a Jet Li fan myself...
u just won an award !!
Hi Cyberkitty: Thanks. But his recent performances go way beyond the prowess of Karamchand or Office Office. That's what has me stumped.
And hey, Thanks for the award! This is my first ever! :-) Will pass it on to 4 other ppl soon.
Hi Exseno: It was on some international film festivals, perhaps there?
Hi Keshi: Thanks.
Hi Sugarlips: Do watch the movie and tell me what you think..
Hi something to say: Yes, I am around 500 INR sadder too ;-)
Hi Phosgene Kid: Must see more of him then. Any recommendation for a gud movie to start?
बहुत बढ़िया और अनोखा तरीका है समीक्षा का. पसंद आया.
-समीर लाल
Oddly enough his last movie - "Fearless." I prefer the movies set in "Bejingwood's" image of Ancient China, usually; this one is set during the colonial period but great nonetheless.
thats an unexpected review of the gandhi movie. most ppl i know are raving about it, but my instinct says trust hdwk's review. been wanting to watch it for a while now...
Thanks for the heads up on the children's film by Kapoor.
i have always thought of PK as an excellent actor..
anyways...what u read on my post was an excerpt from A R rahman's interview !
Boss, bus itna bata do photu kahan se liye???
समीर जी: पहली बार आने पर स्वागत. और टिप्पणी के लिये धन्यवाद!
Hi PG: Thanks. Will ask the Other to get it for me sometime. He will flip if I request an action flick!
Hi Dharma: I know, a lot of people have been raving about it. And hey, Thanks for the compliment :-).
www.Merinews.com has a more detailed version of this review, if you'd like. But that is because they made me stretch it to a 350 word review.
Hi id it is: Anytime! :-)
Hi neo amaan: Ah! Now it makes a lot of sense!
Hi Chiya: Tumhara aur mera net par ek hi best friend hai. Vahin se liye. Jab photu chahiye, to google images istemaal karein.
Where r u lost?
Any favorite music?
oh i do luvv that umbrella ! cool colours! :D
Ohh..Gandhi , my father ..i thought it would be good watch :(
Pankaj kapoor is sure a fine actor ,whatever the role is
I don't know, I didn't think much of Pankaj kapoor in "Lassie Come Home."
Hi PG: Favorite music... umm..not really.. perhaps Punjabi Folk in the really old tradition, and Indian Classical of the North Indian school(there are 2 schools of classical music in India) .
What about you?
I haven't seen the movie that you mentioned. Will try and get it soon.
Hi Endevourme: Yep.. the whole village loves that umbrella in the movie :-)
Hi Swati: Gandhi My Father? Me too, me too :-(( i also thot it would be a nice film.
I heard some Punjabi music at keshi's site - it was really good. I was just kidding about the movie - I don't think Kapoor was in that one.
watched it, i'd go with your review. they could have done a lot more.
i still liked the movie though, probably coz my expectations were a lot less after readin this post.
gandhi must have been some fellow to live with. really liked the scene where harilal comes shouting kasturba ki jai!
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