Tuesday, August 24, 2021

जिम्मेदारी तुम्हारी भी है

 वो पहला दिन 

जब तुम्हारा दीन 

तुम्हें इबादत गाह  के अलावा 

कहीं और ले जाए 

उस दिन 


छोड़ देना चाहिए उस दीन को 

या छुड़ा लेना चाहिए उसे 

उनके पंजों से 

जो दीन से इबादत निकाल कर 

उस में किसी और चीज की 

मिलावट करना चाहते हैं।  

वो पहला दिन 

जब तुम्हारा दीन 

तुम्हें ये बताए 

कि किसी और को क्या करना चाहिए 

उस दिन 


छोड़ देना चाहिए उस दीन को 

या छुड़ा लेना चाहिए उसे 

उनके पंजों से 

जो उसे 

जंगी हथियार बनाना चाहते हैं 

वो पहला दिन 

जब तुम्हारा दीन 

तुम्हें ये बताए 

कि तुम्हारा वोट किसको हो 

उस दिन 

तुम्हें छोड़ देना चाहिए 

उस दीन को 

या छुड़ा लेना चाहिए उसे 

उन के शिकंजे से 

जो उसे 

सत्ता का सामान बनाना चाहते हैं। 

Background to this: 

As a Sikh, my worst nightmare is to live through the Khalistan tag again. And I wondered - What would I do if people did start equating all Sikhs with Khalistanis? And I realised, it IS our responsibility to stand up and say that religion is a personal thing. It IS every Sikh's responsibility to stand up against Khalistanis. Just like we did in the 1980s. Terror of Punjab did not last. KPS Gill gets half the credit, but the other half goes to Punjabi villagers who stood night vigil at the borders of their villages, shooting AK47 holders at sight. 

This is also the reason that my conscience is absolutely clear in denying support to the "Farmers' Protest" when the appeal to support them came from religious quarters. 

Everyone who tries to tell me about SGPC issuing Hukmnamas to support a certain political party et al, immediately gets a retort that before every ardaas we say - Sab Sikhan ko humn hai, Guru Maanyo Granth - All Sikhs are hereby commanded - the only Guru is the Granth Sahib. No one else can issue Hukmnamas (religious orders) to us. And the SGPC is a Prabandhak Committee - Management Committee. They enjoy NO religious power or spiritual authority over the Sikhs. They may wield their material power, but that power is not de jure. It is de facto. 

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