Friday, November 15, 2019

Today's thoughts / Quotes

I wasn't strict with my son, because i was sure that sooner or later,  everyone learns to shoulder responsibility,  when life puts them them to the grind.
But then I saw:
28 year olds who can't cook
35 year olds not willing to get married
45 year olds who blame the govt for their pollution.

Evidently,  life's grinding stone is out to get polished.
I have learnt that love and energy are far more potent currencies than money.

When we say "People don't leave companies, they leave managers." ,we are effectively saying, "This person does not receive enough positive energy from a desired source."

When we say, "This person makes me feel like I belong." we are effectively saying, "There is enough love exchanged here."

It is funny how many of our transactions and experiences are understood when we start to recognise the exchange of love and energy that happened there.
Step 1. Look down upon the use of swear words.
Step 2. Create a world where swear words are needed more than ever.
Step 3. Talk about mental health.
My problem with bleeding hearts is that their hands never bleed.
Dear parent-of-7-year-old-who-refuses-to-look-away-from-the-laptop/phone-when-your-child-is-trying-to-talk-to-you: How do you expect your 14 year old to look up from his phone/gaming console when you are trying to talk to him?
The National Sport of India is long distance spitting and the national verb of India is bribe.


Himanshu Tandon said...

What is wrong with a 35 year old not willing to get married??

The Childrens Post said...
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