Saturday, July 17, 2010


how do you tell the world
that you sold it
for a glance?

How do u tell a glance
that it couldn't care less
and you couldn't care more...

How do you tell care
that it is at the wrong doorstep?
This house belongs to heartache.

How do you tell heartache
that it is a misnomer?
It hurts everywhere.


Lucifer said...

this is smthn i was waitin to read for a long time...i shud thank you for this post

Mampi said...

by God,
You have magic with these little weavings we call poems.
what a beautiful expression. Jaan ee kadh layee oou...

Mampi said...

and I forgot to add that these are more like
your hand produces what I need to write. I do not have the magic though.

Deepak said...

as usual interesting and intellectual type post it is :)

BK Chowla, said...

Very interesting post

Z said...

Oh my dear, you are right. So it does. But not forever, although it may remain in a little place, which is in your heart, to give an occasional reminder.

CYNOSURE said...

as usual...amazing....

Onkar said...

Beautiful lines.

How do we know said...

Hi Mayz: :-)

Hi Mampi: humein milna hi tha hum dum...

Hi Deepak: Ty!!

Chowla Sir: Thank you.

Hi Z: Yes.. thats whats left of heartaches after a while.. a few marks of bruises. .then they too fade away.. :-)

Hi Cynosure and Onkar sir: Thank you!

D said...

Beautiful! Could read it many times over.

The Phosgene Kid said...

yep, not all scars are on the outside.

delhidreams said...

kehte hain jise dard-e-dil
sirf dil mein nahi rehta kambakht
nason mein phail jata hai
zehar ban kar

Indian Home Maker said...

Before we started making the heart the centre of all our heart-aches and feelings, it used to be Liver and in Urdu/Hindi - Jigar :)

Himanshu Tandon said...

A misnomer called heartache...beautiful.

How do we know said...

Hi D: Really? Thanks so much!

Hi Phos: Yep!! :-)

Hi Adee: :-) Khamoshi ka haasil bhi, ek lambi si khamoshi hai..

Hi IHM: So true! where did the heart come from?

Hi Himanshu: Thanks!

human being said...

ah it really does!
what an ending!

and everywhere
is the whole world... no?

love to you

Oreen said...

baap re baap...
this gem could have come only from love...

How do we know said...

@ hb: Thank you. i love ur new series too..

Hi Oreen: :-) u'll neva guess..

San said...

OH! beauty and brevity! this is something!

The Phosgene Kid said...

Think it hurts everywhere now , wait till you get to be my age!

How do we know said...

@ San: Thanks!

Hi Phos: :-) Trust u to say that! Did i tell u yet, that one loves ur funny spin on things? really do.

Figurines of glass said...

beautifully written dear..great stuff!