Tuesday, February 06, 2007

PoP Quiz!

I usually keep smarty ideas to myself, and don't particularly like people who put common sense in a bottle, label it, and sell it for a brand.

But this game, I realised, might help some harried parents/uncles/aunts out there, even though it is based on common sense..

The game helps inculcate an interest in quizzing, but more than that, it helps children recognise and notice small things around them, and it helps parents soothe nerves on a long journey or a bad afternoon at home.

Pop Quiz
Pop Quiz can be played by 2-n no. of players. It is best played among children when the parents are just too harried to talk to them. But before that happens parents, you will have to play it with your 2 years olds at least till they start enjoying the game. I have then used it to check their exam preparedness :-)

1. One player is selected in any way(chits is the safest) to start the first question.
2. The player asks the question. The question is directed at one player and if that player cannot answer it, then the question passes to the left until everyone has been covered.
3. The first person to answer the question gets a point. If no one can answer a question, the person who put the question gets a point.
4. As soon as any player answers a question, he becomes the "Quizmaster" and starts the next question round.

This continues till you reach the end of your journey/afternoon. The kid with the max points wins.

How this game works (For parents only):
1. Kids try to get difficult questions, since each unanswered question gives them an point. They start looking for things around them and observing them, looking for questions to stump others.
2. They also try to second guess their elder sibling's textbooks, because they assume(correctly) that that is where most of the questions are going to come from.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Cyberkitty said...

kids anyway ask difficult questions - some of which are quite emabrassing !