Friday, June 04, 2021

Five Awesome Netflix documentaries to watch

1. Spycraft - if you like espionage this is one of the best that i have seen. 

2. Inside Job - on the 2008 crisis, but with the macro view that is usually missing. 

3. The Great Hack -  The documentary that explains the Cambridge Analytica phenomenon. 

4. The Social Dilemma - The documentary that explains social media addiction - how it works, how pervasive it already is. 

5. Bad Boy Billionaires - I loved this documentary because the popular discourse is that these businessmen were fraudsters to start with. But when you see this documentary, you realise that its a nuanced story each time. They were riding a tiger, or just plain vilified. 


Himanshu Tandon said...

Add 'The Spy' to the list. Story of Eli Cohen. Limited series. Factual and very well executed.

How do we know said...

Hi HT: Thank you! Will do.