Friday, August 25, 2006

You're Tagged!

Everyone who comes to this blog is now tagged.. in addition to people who are in the right bar.

What do you think my age and gender is?

And, if you want to make it more interesting: What else do you know about me from the blog?

The tag is obviously not open to people who know me personally... unless they want to tell me they've discovered my alter ego.. :-)

This blog was started anonymously because I did not want to carry the baggage of my stereotypes. If those stereotypes do not colour your view, what do you see?

PS: Don't belive Wriju's comment.. thats my alter ego according to him!!
He was good enough to spoil the party with that awfully misplaced first comment.. though Nicaragua does sound like a good place to be!!

Re. whether your guesses are right or wrong.. obviously I'll tell u in my next post!!!


Wriju said...

You are a 45 year old albino poet based out Nicaragua. Definitely male :-)
Ah those were the days, when we went fishing in the Gulf of Fonseca!
I know that you have only one eye (unfortunate accident but I told you not to flirt with her) and that you have a weakness for cute, brunette chicks.

But I shouldn't have said all that - I am already sooooo disqualified since I know you so well!

Tanvi said...

Damn! we already have someone telling us everything about you.
Anyways, I just dropped in at your blog and I thought you might be a 22 year old boy(man?)

Would definitely like to know how close(or far) my guess is.
plz plz plz do let me know.

Deepak D Jadhav said...

First time here and found it very intresting. I did read few of your post and signing up as a Fan.

Now w.r.t your Tag.

Your gender: Your writing definetly have feminine sensitivity and yet masculine ferocity. Its hard to determine, if only I can hook on a sonography machine to this blog and determine the gender :)

Your Age: Your thoughts seems to be ageless, has maturity of age and zeal of youth. Can I carbon date your existance?

BTW did Wriju gave in your alter ego?

Keep writing ... Yeah dil manage more!

Aradhna said...

Interesting posts!!
I am answering your questions and also tag you for the similar question/answer on my blog.

Your Gender: Female but not those girlish types. Tom boyish, someone like Anglina Jolie.

Your Age : Between 28 to 32.

Your Name : Starts from an English Alphabet between A to Z. :)

Your Location : India.

Your Hobbies : Blogging, Talking and reading ( both books and people)

Your Fav colour: May be white also, but Black for sure.

Your nature: Sensitive.

You love : Discovering new things.

You hate : Injustice and ingenuine people.

Your preferences: BI.

I am sure you will keep your promise of telling us about the correctness of these guesses in the next post.

VarunMayan said...

A male with age 25, give or take two years. But does that matter?

Twisted DNA said...

Living in India
Late 20s
Living in Bombay?
Schizophronic about privacy :)

neermathalam said...

Gender Well...
You must be a man(Courtesy cola article..though however articulate girls may be very rarely girls comeup with a an article with clinical precision.)
Age:You must be just above 25
Your articles portray those insecurities.
I dont want to know whom you are what you are but as long as you write sensnibly as you are doing now.That is more than enough for me.
"Nobody ask about the parents credentials if the child is great by its own"

Came thru knwn strngers blog...
will come back again.:)
2 knw more about yu.. see how hippocratic i am ..;)

Aradhna said...

On Second Thoughts:

Since I think you are a female.

"Mere Sherron se bhi tum mujhko haseen Lagti ho,
Vaham se bhi ho jo najuk wo yakeen lagti ho".

Figurines of glass said...

You're a 45 yr old lesbian who loves dressing up in leather and has a fetish for red toenails :)

how wld i know? it doesn't matter really...male/female..age...we just know the inner u feel abt certain things..ur very sensitive no doubt..but u hide it from the world u know... doesn't matter...

Rajat Grover said...

you are..................
a human being living in this world with a passion to read and enjoying life.
well aware about your surrounding and like to share your thought for the same.
like to get connected with things and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read about them.

BiScUiTs said...

Here goes, I think you are female and 30ish. For some reason I think you live in New York, (I have no idea why I think that) but originally come from India. You like poems, art, literature and philosophy.

Movie Mazaa said...

I shud admit that I do horrible charcater analysis, even of those whom I meet every day!! SO it wudnt be quite wise on my part to make an ass of myself attemtping to make a character sketch here, but anywayz here goes! :)

U must be in ur mid 20's from India, and definitely male. U r quite matter-of-fact and direct, dont beat abt the bush much, and have a flair for arts. U r not too sentimental and sound like quite a jovial person at heart!


NB: I just came to realise that I knew next-to-nothing abt u, though I have been visiting ur blog for some time now, LOL! :o :) Anywayz.. looking forward to ur next post!

Known Stranger said...

do you wan my honest comment or just for a heck of it a tagging comment ? how ever - i believe you enjoy to know what other think of you.

A feminine - need reasons ?
age - should be youthful I wont be surprised if you are 24-28 age group.

if you are though 32 year elegant lady kind - you have the zest of those age gals.

And better wirju dont use the trade old style of what spys do to hide the identity.

Z said...

I am really bad at this, as I normally try to avoid preconceptions or judgments, but I'll go forward, too boldly, and, at least, amuse you.

I think you are in your early 30s. 28-35 anyway. The reason for this is that you are both youthful and mature - so even if I'm wrong, in either direction, that's a compliment.

I still think you are a man, although since you have pointed out to me that you've never said this, I've given it more thought; that is, I think you are a man but would not be astonished if you are not.

I think you are married but have to work away from home. This you regret; you are childless but hope for children; however it would be irresponsible to have a baby now (this is really personal and if I've got it wrong, or even right, I may have gone too far, sorry)

You love your family.

You work in an office.

You went to university, you are highly educated, you read a good deal - I think you live in India but maybe you have visited other countries? - your style of writing is not wholly Indian (from my limited knowledge). I think you live in North India, a city, maybe Delhi or Mumbai. It is even possible that you are not Indian but have immersed yourself in its culture, though I don't think this is so.

You are interested in current affairs.

You are interested in books and in the literature and culture of your country.

You are sensitive, thoughtful and humorous. Though of course, you are far too modest to tell us if we are right about that.

Vinesh said...

You are a girl in your thirties.
You fancy writing/reading poetry.
You hate being called a geek.


Jagdish Bhatia said...

मेरे पहले कामेंट में मैंने आपको एक नाम दिया था "बुल्ले शाह". तो आप तो हमारे लिये हमेशा बुल्ले शाह ही रहोगे। आपका असली नाम तो मुझे पता है इस लिये इसका कोई अंदाज लगाने की जरूरत नहीं है।
रही बात gender की तो मेरे पोस्ट "तुम मुझे जन्म तो लेने देते" कि संवेदना को समझ कर आपने जो गुस्सा दिखाया था उससे साफ पता चल जाता है कि यह दर्द कौन महसूस कर सकता है?
आप इस तरह का खेल हमारे साथ खेल रहे हैं जो दिखाता है कि आपकी उम्र बहुत कम है, मगर बुल्ले शाह से लेकर अमीर खुसरो तक की जिसे समझ हो वह एक मैच्योर माईंड है।
एक बात पक्की कि आप पंजाबी हैं मगर पंजाब या दिल्ली में नहीं रहते।

AlterinG Abhishek said...

Hiya there!!
Very inetersting..
you just dropped by one of my blogs ....
and i wanted to know you before i sent you an invite to join One line central!!
and here i see this very creative post!!
very interetsting..
i see some names which i have been visiting but not commenting...
its a small world

superb to know another person with differnt and intersting views..
get in touch..

AlterinG Abhishek said...

Hiya there!!
Very inetersting..
you just dropped by one of my blogs ....
and i wanted to know you before i sent you an invite to join One line central!!
and here i see this very creative post!!
very interetsting..
i see some names which i have been visiting but not commenting...
its a small world

superb to know another person with differnt and intersting views..
get in touch..

Nabeel said...

Male - Why? From the title of your blog .. it's very unlikely that a female would choose such a line .. mostly men are confused to who they are .. and what their purpose is.

How old? hmm .. in your mid or late 20's like 25 or 27 or so .. based on your choice of posts ..

Cyberkitty said...

I'd say you are a male in your late twenties - around 28 maybe.

Cyberkitty said...

I'd say you are a female in your late twenties - around 28 maybe.

Wild Reeds said...

You're sixteen and pretty.

JM said...

I have no idea about your age or anything else. But now you have me curious, so I'm gonna keep reading and I'm sure I'll find out.

Sharda said...

I think you are A mail in your early Thirties and you are a every romantic straight forward but a soft hearted person.Apparently from India.

Do let me know how far I am correct.

A Soul In Exile said...

kaun hoon main, aaya kahan se
aakhir hai jaana kidhar
iss ek jawaab ki talaash
jaati hai umar guzar...

jo paa liya yeh jawaab
khuda se mil jaaoge
raaz iss kaynaat ke sab
akhir samaj jaaoge...

Kaun hoon main...

A Soul In Exile said...

I know who you are...

Rabbi Shergill :-)

Mr. J said...

It takes only the mind of a woman to come up with something like this. I'm guessing 26.

Nishu said...

I'm wondering how come people can expect you to be a female. Definitely punjabi male of 24 years! ( possibilty of NRI can not be declined )


mathew said...

its tough job..

But guess u are male
passionate about social issues..

i need to read more blogs of urs to get more points!! ;)

చైతన్య said...

first time here...

you are a male i guess,

of age between 25 and 30

just a wild a guess

Rajesh said...

Well I belive u are now ready to reveal u'r identity..... is'nt it so.....

one more i wanna say u got to check the link at side bar... there is some prob....

I belive u r Male of My Age...

Anand said...

female...late 20s...:-)

x said...

you are a guy around 26 give or take two years?
what else do i know from your blog?
you are interested in politics, poetry, languages?
And you obviously care about your country deeply.
That's all i think i know!

Has to be me said...

I think u must be a lady in the age +-30. I think u r a lady cos we know u yet we dont....i.e u r anonymous yet we know u as a blogger! And around 30 cos u r mature in ur writing. Looking fr ur next post! :)

sophie said...

You are a very sweet and kind
fellow - and i would love to
see you in India!
-i think you have the heart of
a child - the wisdom of an

How do we know said...

Hi Tanvi: Please see the next post! Thank you!! And of course Wriju was lying!!

Hi Done: You sure have a way with words.. that comment pretty much made my day..

Hi Sindhu: You don’t have a blog.. so will have to put it here..
You’re right to a very great degree…

Will answer you at length:
*Passions: Hindi songs and ghazals, literature, writing poems, reading (you read a lot I think), blogging and making friends...

Umm… writing poems is not a passion.. reading them is!!

*You have a 13 year old cousin? – Yes I Do!! And she is a sweetheart!!

*Nature: Sensitive, disappointed in love (though I don't believe the one-eye story :))
– Thank God you don’t!! Wriju pretty much had my reputation shattered on that one..

Wriju.. this favor shall be suitably returned.. just you wait!!!

Friendly by nature, always generous in praise and comments (means you don't try to hurt anyone)
– Actually, I don’t like to hurt people yes, but I am also very particular about not giving a false compliment.. however, I do give quite a few compliments, so you’re right!

*You are definitely interested in staying informed about current affairs... Guess you are located outside India but not sure about this.
- Yes, I am!! But am located in India.

*You get along well with good hearted people...
Who doesn’t?!!

*Vikas... I don't know why, when I think of ki-jaana-main-kaun this name keeps coming to mind.
Hey .. maybe Vikas is a good name.. so you can keep calling me that.. like Aaina calls me Bulle Shah!!

*A good piece of writing, a song well sung, a nice picture, a rainy evening, anything impresses you easily. – So very, very true!!

I can bet Wriju ji is joking! – Yes he was!!
But whether I am right or wrong... "HOW DO WE KNOW"??? - Now you do know!!

How do we know said...

Hi Chiya: At length on your blog!!

Hi Varun: Please see the next post.. and would like to know why you thought it was a guy.. will really like to know!!

Hi Neermathalam: Thank you for that comment.. and you are absolutely right.. if the child stands on its own merit, no one wants to know the parents’ name.. till its time to get married ;-)

Hi Chiya: Itna achha sher mere liye aaj tak kisi ne nahi kaha.. Thank you!!! Ever so much!!

Hi Tell me No more: How did you find out about my toenail fetish? ;-) Acutally you’re right.. it doesn’t matter.. which was the reason why this blog was anonymous in the first place..

Hi Rajat: You’re right about one thing.. read and read and read and read..

Hi Biscuit: Other than the fact that you’re right about my age and gender, you’re pretty right about the interests too.. !!

How do we know said...

Hi Velu: I think that teachers are actually the best analysers of character. I owe a major chunk of my success to my I really do respect you.
You’re right about practically everything except the one thing that you know of..

Hi Zoe: Thank you,and Thank You, and THANK YOU!! More on your blog!!

Hi Vinesh: Point 1 is right. Point 2- just fancy reading. Am a pathetic writer. Point 3: No I’ve just grown used to being a geek, and for now, love it!

Aaina Ji: आपने अपनी परिपक्वता का परिचय इस कमेंट को लिखने के ढंग में दे दिया! सच में!!

Hi Alter Abhishek: Well, Thank you!

Hi Nabeel: The way I see it, this isnt a song about being lost..

it’s a song about being everywhere without being anywhere in particular.. what in Advaitism is called Aham Brahmasmi! It was my personal anthem long before Rabbi immortalised it in such a wonderful way!!

HI Cyberkitty: OK, which is it finally? You got the age pretty close!!

Hi Wild Reeds: Sorry.. Neither 16 nor Pretty!! In 3 years, I’ll be twice that age!!

How do we know said...

Hi Velu: I think that teachers are actually the best analysers of character. I owe a major chunk of my success to my I really do respect you.
You’re right about practically everything except the one thing that you know of..

Hi Zoe: Thank you,and Thank You, and THANK YOU!! More on your blog!!

Hi Vinesh: Point 1 is right. Point 2- just fancy reading. Am a pathetic writer. Point 3: No I’ve just grown used to being a geek, and for now, love it!

Aaina Ji: आपने अपनी परिपक्वता का परिचय इस कमेंट को लिखने के ढंग में दे दिया! सच में!!

Hi Alter Abhishek: Well, Thank you!

Hi Nabeel: The way I see it, this isnt a song about being lost..

it’s a song about being everywhere without being anywhere in particular.. what in Advaitism is called Aham Brahmasmi! It was my personal anthem long before Rabbi immortalised it in such a wonderful way!!

HI Cyberkitty: OK, which is it finally? You got the age pretty close!!

Hi Wild Reeds: Sorry.. Neither 16 nor Pretty!! In 3 years, I’ll be twice that age!!

How do we know said...

Hi Sharda: Other than the gender, everything is correct!

Hi Angel: now u know!!

Hi KusTavan: Bas yahi jawaab to nahi milta.. Ki Jaana Main Kaun.. ?!!

Hi Soul In Exile: Have already answered on your blog.

Hi Me: You’re bang on there.. only a woman can think up an experiment like this!!

Hi Nishu: I kept thinking of ur comment for a long time.. why were you so certain that it was impossible to think of me as a girl? Please do tell..

Hi Mathew, Chaitu, Anand: Thank you folks!!

Hi Deepa: How did you figure out the love with kids part?

Hi Chloe: Everything you know is true.. except for the little thing that’s on my post..

HI Has to be Me: You guessed right all right, but what floored me was the cute reason you gave.. choo chweet!!

smiley said...

quite a few sherlock holmes on ur site :)

How do we know said...

Hi Smiley: hai na!!

Hi Chhotu: If i cld be a collge principal at the age of 30.. wow!! Unforutnately, I am not even a full prof yet!