Vidur Niti is a book within the Mahabharata. This is a dialogue between Dhritarashtra and Vidur, his minister. In the conversation, Vidur shares many nuggets of niti (policy) wisdom, and towards the end, Dhritarashtra broaches the subject of what to do with the Pandavas.
I read the translation by Chaukhamba Prakashan. The book is very interesting. Sharing some excerpts that i really liked. The Sanskrit is original, English translations are mine and Hindi translations may be original or may be slightly modified from the book's translation. The book's translation has not been copied verbatim anywhere.
अमित्रं कुरुते मित्रं मित्रं द्वेष्टि हिनस्ति च
कर्म चारभते दुष्टं तमाहुमूढ़चेतसम्
Meaning: One who
befriends the enemy, views a true friend with contempt or looks down upon a
true friend, or one who starts an evil task – such a person is a fool.
हरणं च परस्वानां
परित्यागंसत्रयो दोषा: क्षयावहा:
अर्थ: दूसरों के धन का हरण
करना, दूसरे की स्त्री से मिलन, और सच्चे मित्र का परित्याग (छोड़ देना) – ये तीनों
दोष क्षय (हानि) कारक होते हैं।
To take another’s wealth,
to sleep with another’s wife, and to leave a real friend – all these three
faults lead to harm.
षडिमान् पुरुषो जह्याद्
भिन्नां नावमिवार्णवे
अरक्षितारं राजानं
भार्यां चाप्रियवादिनीम्
ग्रामकामं च गोपालं वनकामं
च नापितम्
अर्थ: मनुष्य इन 6 वस्तुओं
को वैसे ही छोड़ दे जैसे समुद्र में भिन्न (टूटी हुई) नाव को छोड़ा जाता है: ठीक ना
बोलने वाले आचार्य को, मंत्र न पढ़ने वाले ऋत्विक (पुजारी) को, रक्षा ना करने वाला
राजा को, कटु बोलने वाली स्त्री को, गाँव में रहने वाले ग्वाले को (क्यूंकि उसे वन
में गैया के साथ रहना चाहिए), और वन में रहने की इच्छा रखने वाले नाई को।
Meaning: These six things
should be left as one abandons a damaged boat in the sea: A teacher who does
not give the right discourse, a priest who does not utter the mantras, a king
who does not protect, a woman who does not speak sweetly, a cowherd who prefers
to live in the village, and a barber who wishes to live in the forest. (Barbers
were also social network agencies in Indian society. They were responsible for
spying, carrying messages from one house to another, prospecting for and fixing
matrimonial alliances, and entertaining the patron while providing regular
barber services with anecdotes and gossip).
षडेव तु गुणा: पुंसां न
हातव्या: कदाचन
सत्यं दानमनालस्यमनसूया
क्षमा धृति:
अर्थ: इन 6 गुणों को कभी
नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए: सत्य, दान, आलस्य न करना, द्वेष न रखना, क्षमा, और धैर्य रखना।
These 6 qualities should
never be abandoned: Truth, generosity, not being lazy, holding no malice,
forgiveness, and patience.
great advice. Thanks, hdwk. Here's to a kinder world. love kj
Amen to that kj! Good to see you here!
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