Monday, June 10, 2024

Why do we look for the minority connection?

It just occurred to me that we are always looking to be in the minority. When we are outside India, we look for other Indians. Because we want to identify with them. 

When we are in India in another state, we look for other ppl from the same region. If we are, let's say, in UP, we look for other people from Punjab or Haryana, and vice versa. If we are an Odiya in Bengal, we look for other Odiyas. 

And IF, we happen to be in our home state, we then look for "people like us" - our caste, etc. 

This urge to look for the smaller group rather than meld with the larger group - its counter intuitive, no? Yet, it's there. We feel safety in numbers but run towards the protection of an intimate group rather than the perceived power of belonging to the majority. 

Why is that? 

Any thoughts? 

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