Perhaps the most personal tag that I have ever done.. but this one is cute, and well, i want to do it.
So here goes, the "first pregnancy" tag:
Was your first preg planned?
Yes. Were you married at the time? Yes. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I cried for an hour before making the first call.
WAS ABORTION AN OPTION FOR YOU? Yes, in the sense that had i wanted it, i could have had it. No, because i absolutely did not want it.
How old were you? 29 turning 30 very soon.
How did you find out it was a pregnancy? A self prescribed ultrasound for stomach ache that just wouldn't go away.
Who did you tell first? The Other.
Due Date? Sep 17, 2007.
Did you have any morning sickness? Yes, but it went away with sensible eating and some medication.
What did you crave? Food, and lots of sweets.
WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? Nothing. Was more or less peaceful throughout.
DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX OF WHAT YOU WERE GETTING? Yes, i was desperate for a daugher but knew all along that it was a son. Just a hunch.
Did you have a baby shower? No.
Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Gestational Diabetes.
Where did you give birth? In a hospital.
How many hours were you in labor? None. It was a planned, elective C Section.
Who drove you to the hospital? Am not sure. Dont remember. Must have been The Other.
Who watched you give birth? The doc. She MADE me give birth. She pulled the baby out.
How much did your child weigh? 3.45 kilos.
When was your child actually born? 0940 hours, 3rd Sep 2007.
WHAT WAS YOUR REACTION WHEN THE DOCTOR ANNOUNCED THE SEX OF THE BABY? For a while, she did not tell me. I was just so relieved that the baby was fine.. that he was really out there... and alive!
WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST REACTION ON SEEING THE BABY? "He looks so Chinki!" (I will never forgive myself for that comment)
Did you cry? Yes.
What did you name him? Ishaan.
How old is he today? 18 months.
What is the strongest memory of that time? Feeling the first kick, the first morning sickness, hearing that the heart beat is finally there, peering into the ultrasound once a month, the 20 week detailed ultrasound, the feeling of living with another person inside me, the INCREDIBLE love that one feels.. nothing else seems important. Nothing at all. This child was and is an early riser. He used to get up promptly at 4 a.m. every morning. He was very understanding even inside. When things werent going so good, he would shift so i cld sleep better. (Honest, he used to do that) .