Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vedic and Mental Maths Techniques

I am a mental maths junkie. All kids in our house learn these maths shortcuts even before they have been able to learn the long cuts (aka the propah way of doing things) . The latest victim is the nephew.
Finally, today, one decided that its time to get together a list of links from where to teach a child this magic of maths...(one cld have written a book and made money, but well, ahem, this is simpler, and more logical) . Almost all the techniques that i'd worked out are here now, except for a few, so hopefully, some of those will be covered in blog posts. For instance, did you know that the difference in the squares of 2 consecutive positive numbers is the sum of those numbers? i.e., 14 square - 13 square = 14 + 13? :-) Yeah, and simple things like that.

Here, then, is raw material for a book, whoever wants to write it.


http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/Santoshmehta-907-vedic-mathematics-techniques-vedicmaths-mba-cat2007-easymultiplication-squares-cubes-mathproblems-solve-quantitative-wiziq-final-education-powerpoint/ - i recommend this one.



Do u know of any similar links? For the speed maths junkie in all of us.. pls add here..


Varun said...

good for cat, bad for dog

Bruce said...

I am wondering if you know that number "9" is a magical number. Muliply 9 times any number and then add the digits of the sum and you will get "9". Try it!
For example, 9x9 is 81. Add the digits "8" and "1" and what do you get? "9"
9x7= 63. 6+3= 9.
9x8=72. 7+2= 9.
You get the idea. I first ran across this in a bhagavad-gita published by the Ramakrishna Society. Let me know if you can still get "9" with more complex numbers. I am not very advanced in math and science, but I found this very interesting.
Also, there is something called the 'magic square' which I don't understand too well. You are welcome to reach me at, brcgatten@gmail.com

Z said...

I've always loved mathematical tricks, which my father taught me as a child. I use times tables as a distraction technique at the dentist, going up to 20 squared.

Sadly, I have a favourite times table, the 17x.

Also as a child, I loved the mathematical puzzles by Martin Gardner in Scientific American magazine, though they were often far too hard for me.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I can barely tell time...

Neha said...

I need a calculator for adding 7 and 9 :D